Poor Bob

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dirty houseI have this friend Bob. His wife died of a massive stroke at the age of 47. That’s been I don’t know, 8 or 9 years ago now.

Bob lives with his 2 should be adult sons. He is always telling me that he is cleaning the house. Apparently his idea of cleaning the house and mine are worlds apart…

Last time I was over there, I made a mental note that it was time to go over and do a deep clean again.

Well, I had my chance.

Bob had oral surgery. His daughter texted me and asked if I could come over and watch her dad until the boys got home.

While he was resting, I was cleaning. These boys can’t even throw their garbage away. I found myself getting angry…

Its not really their fault. Yes, logically you know to at least take your dishes to the sink and throw your garbage away. But their house was never clean – even when Mom was alive. There is research that shows that people are more likely to act badly in a dirty environment. People are more likely to litter if there is already garbage on the ground. And so on…

I only did the family room, kitchen and living room. Every piece of furniture needed to be washed down. The cobwebs and ceiling fans were so bad that there was stuff all over the floors when the sons got home. The one said, “What is all this?”

I said, “That’s the dust and dirt from the ceilings, walls and fans that needs to be vacuumed up.”

He scrunched his nose and disappeared. lol!

I’m tempted to do a social experiment. I wonder if they would be more respectful if the house was totally clean. It worked in my house. Over the years, even the ‘trouble’ kids behaved in my home. OK, except for one who would drop her garbage wherever she was – which there was no excuse for. Wherever you are in my house, you are a few feet away from a waste can. Can’t win ’em all.

I am curious to see if a clean environment would change their behavior, even though they are grown. It will be a lot of extra work on my part, but I think it will be worth it to see what happens. If will really be worth it if it really were to change their behavior.

What do you think? Should I do it?

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