Lenten dinners that aren’t fish

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Fake Baked Mostaccioli

Its not a law that you have to eat seafood on Fridays. There are a lot of other things you could be eating.

One of our favorite meatless meals is Baked Mostaccioli. Its simply noodles, spaghetti sauce, and grated mozzerella cheese, layered twice, and baked until the cheese is melted and gooey.

But many times, I don’t have the time to do the baking part.

Here’s my solution to that problem-

Put a layer of noodles, cover with red sauce, sprinkle shredded cheese over the sauce. The sauce needs to be really hot for this to work, but in a couple of minutes, the cheese will be melted. serve with a tossed salad and some wine.I call it fake baked mostaccioli

Spanish Omelet

Another favorite meatless meal is Spanish Omelets. Its an omelet with salsa and cheese. Serve with biscuits and fresh fruit on the side. Or serve with a tossed salad to make it feel more dinner like.

Tuscan Beans and Tomatoes is another delicious option.Cornbread goes great with it!

And then there’s the cheese or veggie pizza.

And of course, there are seafood recipes in the member area.

I hope this helps break up the boredom a little!

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