I Killed My Grandfather

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My Grandparents


I want you to understand that it is very important that we do whatever we can to decrease the spread of the coronavirus.

Here’s my story.

My sister came into town from out of state to have knee surgery. She needed someone to take her. My grandfather suffered with congestive heart failure for many years. It so happened that he was not feeling well when my sister came in and could not take her.

I took off work and took her. As the day wore on, I felt worse and worse.

I got my sister back to my grandparents house, hugged them all, and went home.

The next day, I was soooo sick. Turns out I had pneumonia. I was a working single mom with a 4 year old. How my daughter didn’t get it I’ll never know. But I did manage to give it to both of my grandparents, and my sister took it home to Connecticut with her and gave it to her entire family.

My grandfather died.

Now you can say it wasn’t my fault – that I couldn’t have known at the time. I know now that I shouldn’t have hugged everyone.

But you see how easy something can spread, even innocently.

You might have it and not know it. You might feel fine.

The whole work unless you’re dying thing always upset me. When I was in management, I sent sick people home. That’s why they have sick days. We really need to change that mentality.

But now its more important. This thing spreads quickly.

And believe me, you don’t want to have to live with the thought that maybe someone wouldn’t have died if only you had stayed home.

There’s Good and Bad in Everything – Yes, Even This

Can you protect yourself from the Corona Virus?

We’re all feeling a little off


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