Why not change what is making you unhappy?

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butterfly happinessI see people every day who are unhappy.

Unhappy with their jobs, unhappy with their dirty homes, unhappy with their body, and on and on and on.

What strikes me funny is that not many actually want to do anything to improve things. That makes no sense to me. If what you’re doing is not making you happy, and you can change it – why wouldn’t you change it?

Instead of actually taking some action,they live in their unhappiness claiming that the actions they need to take are too hard.

Is sitting in front of the TV making you happy? Is there any long term benefit?

Would making a good dinner and going for a walk make you happier? Will the benefits compound? Will you lose weight, feel better, look better, and have more energy?

Would getting up to a clean kitchen in the morning make you a happier person? Getting a fresh start to the day? More calm and relaxed? Would you perfom better during the day if you started off that way

These are all easy little things that will compound to make your life better. Once you get these little improvements down – what else might you be able to accomplish?

Everything starts with a single step.

What is a simple step that you could take today to make your life better?

That’s what I’m doing. That’s why I’ve been quiet the last couple of days. I’m learning some new stuff, and its hard for me. I have to really focus, but I’ve put it off long enough. Its time to bite the bullet!

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