After 2 years of looking, I am finally moving. Yes, in February.
If you remember, I moved into this rooming house when I started chemo almost 4 years ago. It was great at the time. My landlady does my laundry and my dishes. But after 2 years, I was ready to move on. Except there was covid. It seemed maybe it was safer to just stay here.
But then covid went on and on and on… And housing went up and up and up.
Housing has gone up 30% in the last 2 years. Outrageous.
I missed out on a house last year. It was a fixer upper, but I could do most of the work. No one even looked at this house until I finally decided to go take a look. Figures, right?
So, I’ve been on a couple of waiting lists for apartments.
One day recently I just prayed, Lord, just put me in the right place.
Within a couple days, this apartment called. I guess this is the right place.
Its small. But its affordable, and much closer to everything I do.
So, I can clean out this place, and clean as I move into the new place.
They have cleaned, but its not Carole clean, you know?
I’ll take pictures as I change this plain off white box to a french country sanctuary… hopefully.
Pray for me that it won’t be snowing on the day we move the furniture!

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